Applied Alexander®: Dance!
Hello my friends,
What it is about the Alexander Technique that matters? Underneath it all, why do I do it? Why should anyone?
I was practicing dance with a partner and his take on it is that Alexander Technique helps with body mechanics and alignment.
I said, “Of course, everything works better; you’re better aligned and can move with less effort.”
Alignment matters! However, that’s still not why I do it.
It’s not only your position being in alignment, it’s quality of movement. It’s smoothness and ease vs. pushing and force. Power to move by a controlled release…ahhh….what a feeling….
And that’s it.
It’s the way it feels….really, really good. The inner sense of my body is open and electric and it flows. It feels like all the channels are open from my head down my body through to my toes.
You know how you sense your body if you close your eyes and think inwardly, like an inner vision of your own structure?
This work changes my inner vision and also how it feels.
It’s much lighter and freer than muscling through movement from the outside in! Release outwardly along the lines of your body and then stretch; you will have longer reach. Sense your own head weight more clearly and fine-tune that precisely over your toes; you will have better balance.
My exploration is to use this in movement and to share that with other dancers. Applying Alexander’s discovery to movement for ballroom dance.
If Dance is a feeling, what feeling is that dance for you?
I want to feel my body electric and alive. Seamless and open inside; I don’t want to feel anything really, but flow….
How would you like it to be? Please me know in the comments, below!
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