Why Alexander Technique? Why Dance?
Hello my friends,
Why do I teach Alexander Technique?
Why do I dance?
It feels expansive, it feels good, it is a joy like no other.
I move my body and I feel my soul. It springs lightly upward when I dance.
In Alexander work, it is a release of my neck that lets my thoughts go upward and my head, with it.
I feel a unique sense of flow and lightness. It feels light and my head floats up. It is like meditation in action and I create it as I walk, sit, stand, move, and dance.
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We are psycho-physical-spiritual beings and this is like chocolate for the soul. It is like bringing light to the body, the light of awareness, freedom, joy.
Letting your neck be free is a close parallel to dancing. It’s like watching a hummingbird…poised so lightly…stillness and yet all-moving.
Sharing a way to have freedom and joy in your body, in the moment, in the Now.