Alexander Technique at Dance Vita Ballroom Studio
Hello my friends!
I’m so happy to share Alexander Technique and the magical feeling that it gives me. I love the way it helps me release tension out of my neck and shoulders.
Come and feel it for yourself in two workshops, Saturday, July 7th and 14th, at Dance Vita Ballroom Studio. $12/one, $20/two.
So many times we try too hard and only end up with sore muscles and excess tension. This is a way to learn to release tension and still be upright – to let your head be up on top naturally, without strain or pushing. Feel like your bones are hanging and you move without effort.
There is a difference between an appropriate amount of tone (good) and excessive tension (bad; it blocks your movement). These workshops help you learn conscious control of muscular effort. Imagine if you could do more with less effort?
Alexander Technique is a fundamental skill that you can apply to anything in life – from less effort brushing your teeth, to less effort being up on your toes.
Everyone: Please bring a yoga mat and 2-3 paperback books (or a bath towel) to place under your head during floor work.
Ladies: Please wear or bring loose slacks or yoga pants.
Dance Vita Ballroom is a beautiful, elegant studio in San Mateo, CA.
Are you curious?
Come and play!