How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live: Learning the Alexander Technique to Explore Your Mind-Body Connection and Achieve Self-Mastery, By Missy Vineyard
Hello again!
How did you come to find this blog? How did you find out about the Alexander Technique?
A number of people have come to me for lessons recently. When I asked how they found out about the Alexander Technique, several people have said that they have been reading a book:
How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live: Learning the Alexander Technique to Explore Your Mind-Body Connection and Achieve Self-Mastery, by Missy Vineyard
People tell me they are enjoying the book. It has many case studies with interesting stories and also gives a great amount of detailed information about studying the technique, and also, teaching it.
I know of this book from Missy Vineyard, and have been reading it, myself. I find that it is not simple reading, however it has a great deal of information that’s both interesting and also, food for thought. I particularly enjoy her discussion of the mind-body connection and neuroscience.
If you are looking for a complete book, this may be a good place to start.
If you are looking for a general introduction on the Technique, I often recommend Body Learning, by Michael Gelb.
Missy Vineyard is a highly regarded teacher and trainer, and the Director of the Alexander Technique Center, New England
My own training was at The Alexander Educational Center (TAEC) with Giora Pinkas and John Baron.
Did you know that there are currently 22 AmSAT* Certified training courses in the United States?
And did you know that there are 15 International Societies, as well?
Training and certification from AmSAT requires a minimum of 1600 hours of training over at least three years at an AmSAT approved Teacher Training Course.
Lots of work but worth it :-).
*The American Society for the Alexander Technique