Mindlessness Meditation
Hello good friends,
It’s so nice when you stop by and visit. Perhaps we can chat about nothing again. Isn’t that how Seinfeld got started? It’s a show about nothing….
Sometimes when you take a lesson, the best thing to do is just go along with whatever is happening. It’s better not to think too much and let yourself experience a different way of moving. Have you ever gotten intense from trying too hard? If we play with the word, we have “in” and “tense.” Put them together and maybe it’s tension going inward, or inner tension. Either way, that’s too much work.
I like to call my studio, the “no work, no pain school.”
Sometimes it is Just Fine and in fact, preferable to lay on the table and go into the Zone. The body has a wisdom of its own. So many times what we really need is to renew the experience of letting it happen.
Sometimes, a mind is a terrible thing to use.